2015. szeptember 30., szerda

Nona surprised - english review

Nona is a new brand from Netherlands. So lucky, because I was one of the hungarian testers.  And now, already I'm a happy Nona owner. ;-)
Nona is a very interesting and surprising wrap for me. But I love it.
First, I thought, it is a wrap from Ireland. Because of the name and the logo, probably. But not, Nona is a wrap from Netherlands.
Second, I didn't feel it too thick, now it's actually not wispy, 280 gsm. 
Third, I was one of the last testers, fifth or sixth. And the wrap was not so soft, and I tied not easily. And yet, wearing was very good. It was really comfortable, and I didn't feel my daughters weight (she is 1 and a half year old and more than 11 kgs).
Colours and pattern are beautiful and elegant. 
My daughter, Emese doesn't want to travel in wrap these days. I carried her sometimes with Nona. I tried just double hammock and rucksack with this wrap, but it was enough. I have fallen in love it. And I buy the hungarian tester. That's all.  

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